Save money before calling a local emergency electrician in Norwood or Dulwich.
What to do if the fuse or MCB for your power sockets keeps tripping or switching off?
Before calling any electrical companies in Norwood or Dulwich try to remember the last piece of electrical equipment being used before the circuit went off (or tripped off) and unplug this before trying to switch the MCB and/or RCDs back on.
If this does not rectify the problem, you are still experiencing the electric fault, then the next step is to unplug all appliances e.g. washing machine, TVs and fridges, etc. By removing faulty appliances, you may be able to re-energize the circuit and effectively save money before calling an emergency electrician in Norwood or Dulwich.
If you are still unable to turn the circuit back on and need to call a local electrician in Norwood or Dulwich then the following information will help to identify the fault…